Friday, February 4, 2011

Comedy Review Feb.4,2011. Yuk-Yuk's. Lennox, Beaton & Wood.

Another Thursday night at Yuk Yuk's on Elgin , though it was ½ price student night, the club was not as rowdy and robust as typical Thursdays go. The crowd was there to see headliner Darryl Lenox, with Nick Beaton and Alex Wood.

The MC for the evening was local talent, Alex Wood, who did a great job warming up the audience by effortlessly engaging in witty banter with a table of gentlemen there to kick off a bachelor party, and a group of young ladies celebrating a birthday. Wood then dove into his routine. Wood has a friendly, enthusiastic style makes him fun to watch, because you know that he is having fun entertaining the audience, and his jokes are well polished.

Next to take the stage was Nick Beaton, who quickly grabbed and held the audience's attention with his quirky, fast paced “off in all directions” rants. Originally from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Beaton spends a lot of stage time poking good natured fun at the laid back east coast culture and the difficulties he had adjusting to the “Toronto lifestyle”. The crowd took very well to Beaton, who brings a solid talent and laughter throughout his act.

Then came Darryl Lenox, a seasoned professional comedian. Lenox has been performing since the early 90’s, and clearly an expert in the craft of comedy writing and delivering a great show. Originally from the USA, Lenox took up residency in Canada for several years, a time that he claims changed him for the better. Lennox has a casual, yet candid style which brings the audience closer to him, finding deeper meaning in some of his jokes. Lenox shares stories of his life experiences, his ordeal with going blind, all leaving the audience feeling they knew him a little better after the show, while enjoying his style of humour. Lenox was well received by the mature audience, and is sure to be a hit with all ages.

This show is definitely WHAT TO WATCH this weekend, but one had better get their reservations soon by calling Yuk Yuk's at: 613-236-5233

Josh Hayward
JH5 Productions

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